CMS Reviewing Issue Surrounding Home Sleep Testing; 30-Day Public Comment Period Now Open
A formal request was accepted and a review initiated today by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regarding its national coverage determination (NCD) on the diagnosis of patients with obstruct obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) requiring CPAP therapy. Current national coverage policy specifies that only polysomnography done in a facility-based sleep study laboratory can be used to identify patients with OSA requiring CPAP (see section 240.4 of CAG-00093R2).
A 30-day public comment period for reconsideration of this issue was opened today by CMS and runs now through April 13th. The proposed decision memo due date is September 14, 2007.
To read more about CMS review and instructions for submitting pubic commentary, click here.
This issue is being reviewed again already! Who's behind this push? The recent CMS review of this same issue resulted in the determination that the technology was not yet reliable enough for home use. The AASM formal study of portable testing has just been initiated. Is there a new, large quantity of data available to effect the first CMS determination?
The CMS received the request from
the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
You can read the request letter at:
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