Greetings from T
I can't tell you just how happy I am to be talking with you all here -- kindred spirits in their love for all things "SLEEP."
We'll discuss so many aspects of this fair maiden (sleep) and satisfy our need to know more about "her" as we roll along with this blog-- so appropriately named -- Let's Talk Sleep.
Thanks for talking about her with me!
Be Well, Sleep Well,
Theresa ("T")
Technorati Tags: sleep disorder sleep apnea Theresa Shumard
Hi T.
Glad to see you have your blog up and running. I'm really looking forward to reading your posts.
These are exciting times. Let's Talk Sleep's Radio broadcast at and this Blog are terrific new communication tools and I am so very happy that we have teamed up in this.
Hey T
Congrats on the blog site and the
I am sure with your great research and writing talents the readers/viewers are in for a real treat!
I am proud to know one of the really super people out here in the world of sleep.
Keep up the writing and I will keep up the reading!
Best Wishes and a big Thanks!
Brendan Duffy
Oh Theresa, Thank you so much for your hard dedication and work. I am proud to know you and I just had to say "What a nice retreat for me! This blog is refreshing!"
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